How To Store Crystals: Tips and Organization Ideas

Last updated on October 16th, 2024 at 01:15 pm

If you’re wondering how to store crystals properly, you’ve come to the right place.

Crystals are powerful stones that are known to provide several benefits.

Depending on the stones you have in your possession, they may provide energizing effects, promote healing, offer protection and so on.

In addition to being powerful, crystals can also be quite delicate. Many of them are fragile and can crack or break.

To keep this from happening, you will want to store them somewhere safe.

This article will provide suggestions on how to store crystals so you can keep yours in the best shape possible.

What To Avoid When Storing Crystals

Before we get into how to store crystals, let’s talk about how not to store crystals.

Certain crystals have properties that mean they should be kept away from certain elements.

For example:

Crystals that should be kept away from sunlight:

  • Amethyst
  • Ametrine
  • Aquamarine
  • Aventurine
  • Beryl
  • Celestite
  • Citrine
  • Fluorite
  • Kunzite
  • Lepidolite
  • Opal
  • Rose Quartz
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Super Seven (Melody Stone)
  • Turquoise
  • Topaz
  • Sapphire (Certain Colours)
  • Chrysoprase

Crystals that can rust or oxidize when exposed to air:

  • Pyrite
  • Hematite
  • Marcasite
  • Goethite
  • Chalcopyrite
  • Bornite
  • Galena
  • Magnetite
  • Copper
  • Azurite
  • Malachite

Crystals that will dissolve or get damaged in water:

  • Rhodochrosite
  • Selenite
  • Halite
  • Lepidolite
  • Malachite
  • Celestite
  • Angelite
  • Gypsum
  • Calcite
  • Ulexite
  • Azurite
  • Kyanite
  • Fluorite
  • Apophyllite
  • Talc

These are not the only stones that are sensitive to water, light and air. Find out what your crystal can and cannot handle to ensure you are storing it safely.

How to Store Crystals at Home

Here are some easy and effective ways to store your crystals:

1. Separate by Type

Certain crystals have distinct properties and can affect one another if stored together. For example:

  • Soft Crystals: Crystals like selenite and celestite can easily scratch or dissolve. Keep these separate from harder stones.
  • Hard Crystals: Quartz and other harder crystals can be stored together, but ensure they don’t scratch delicate stones.

2. Use Individual Bags or Boxes

For the best results, use individual fabric bags or boxes to store each crystal. This prevents scratching, especially for delicate or soft stones. Soft materials like velvet or linen are ideal for wrapping or storing crystals.

3. Keep Them Away from Direct Sunlight

Some crystals, like amethyst and rose quartz, fade when exposed to direct sunlight over time. Keep your crystals in a cool, shaded spot to prevent discolouration.

4. Clean Storage Space Regularly

It’s essential to cleanse the area where you store your crystals to maintain their positive energy. You can do this by:

  • Smudging the storage space with sage.
  • Using sound cleansing like bells or singing bowls.

5. Group by Purpose

Another effective way to store crystals is to group them based on their intended use. For example, keep all meditation crystals in one box and healing crystals in another. This helps maintain their energy and keeps things organised.

How to Organize Your Crystals

crystals organised by color

Thinking about where to store your stones is important, but you will also want to consider how to organize them.

Organizing them in a predictable fashion will make them easy to find. And if you keep similar stones together, they can work off each other to maximize their power.

There are many ways you can organize your crystals and you must find which works best for you.

Here are a few suggestions:

By Color: One suggestion is to color code your crystals. Using this method, all whites will be grouped together, all reds will be grouped together, all purples will be grouped together and so on.

This method makes for an attractive array and provides an easy way for you to find your stones.

By Crystal Families: Different crystals belong to different families like quartz, selenite, amethyst, etc.

Grouping them according to their family will create a cohesive look and place similarly powered stones together.

By Intention: Every stone has an intention, and many have similar intentions.

For example, some energize, some heal, and some protect. Grouping them by intention will make it easy for you to grab the stone you need for that particular healing session.

By Delicacy and Shape: Some stones are more delicate than others. It’s advisable to group like with like when it comes to fragility. That way you can be sure your stones will be protected.

For example, if you have a group of stones that don’t react well with water, you will be sure to put them somewhere dry.

If your stones fade in the sun, place them somewhere dark.

Where Should I Store My Crystals?

crystals in a display case

Here are some suggestions for where crystals can be placed.

Inside a Drawer

A drawer is a good storage spot for crystals, but that doesn’t mean you should just throw them in a drawer and not look back.

You can purchase drawer dividers that will keep them within their separate compartments.

This will make them easy to find and it will prevent damage that may occur when they hit against the side of the drawer or each other.

Small jewellery boxes can serve a similar purpose.

Tiered Makeup Organizer or Jewelry Box

Makeup organizers and jewelry boxes are perfect for storing crystals because they already have their own separate compartments.

When you go this route, you can be sure your stones will be protected from the elements and from each other.

Rainbow Pill Cases

Rainbow pill cases are small, round containers that are translucent and come in a variety of colors.

They can be stacked on top of each other to take up a minimum amount of space on surfaces. They are also the perfect solution if you are traveling with your crystals.

Generally, the cases will hold one crystal each. They provide an attractive storage solution.

Custom Crystal Shelf

It’s not advisable to put your crystals on a random shelf where they are liable to fall and break or become damaged.

But a custom crystal shelf is different.

It is divided into small compartments that will keep crystals safe and it makes for an attractive piece of home décor.

In Your Pocket or Purse

If you like taking your crystals around with you, you can place them in a pocket or purse.

It’s best to limit the number of crystals you carry with you to two or three. If you travel with more, they will weigh you down and may hit into each other and crack.

If you are taking them in your purse, store them in a side pocket or small storage space where they will be well protected.

Place Them on the Windowsill

A windowsill is a great place for stones. The sun will reflect off them, so they fill the room with color and light. The solar energy will also help them recharge.

When choosing stones to place on your windowsill, avoid those that are sensitive to light and moisture.

Put Them By Your Bedside

Some people like to have their crystals close to their bedside when they sleep. They feel that the stones’ energy helps them recharge for the day ahead.

While this may be true, you should avoid putting your most fragile crystals on a night table. You may also consider storing them in a safer place during the day.

In a Display Case

A display case is the perfect place to store your stones. The glass of the case will keep them protected from the elements and from damage.

It will allow you to see your stones every day without the risk of having them break, fade or dissolve.

Wipe the shelves down with a glass cleaner before placing your stones inside so they are free of dust and debris.

Can Crystals Lose Energy in Storage?

A common question people have is whether crystals can lose energy in storage. The short answer is yes—crystals can lose energy if they’re not stored properly. Just like any other tool, crystals require maintenance to keep their energy strong and effective. When crystals are left in a storage space for a long time without cleansing or attention, their energy can become stagnant or depleted.

How to Prevent Crystals from Losing Energy

  • Cleanse Regularly: Even if your crystals are in storage, it’s important to cleanse them every few weeks to keep their energy active. Smudging, moonlight, and sound cleansing are all great methods.
  • Avoid Storing Near Electronics: Electronic devices emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can interfere with a crystal’s natural energy. check How to Remove Smell from Your Washing Machine. Keep crystals away from electronics to prevent any negative impact on their energy.
  • Use Cleansing Stones: Place a cleansing stone like clear quartz or selenite in the storage area to help maintain the energy of the crystals. These stones have natural cleansing properties and can help keep other crystals energetically charged.
  • Store with Intent: When putting your crystals into storage, set an intention for them to remain energetically vibrant. This can be a simple affirmation or thought as you place them in their storage space.

FAQs About Storing Crystals

How Do I Store Crystals for Travel?

When travelling, wrap each crystal individually in soft fabric or use small padded pouches. Place them in a secure compartment of your luggage to prevent breakage.

Should Crystals Be Stored Together or Separately?

Generally, it’s best to store crystals separately to avoid energy mixing or physical damage. However, harder stones can be grouped if necessary.

Can I Store Crystals in Plastic?

While storing crystals in plastic is not ideal, it’s acceptable if no other option is available. Natural materials like wood, glass, or fabric are better, as they help maintain the crystal’s energy.

Where Should I Store Crystals in My Home?

You can store crystals anywhere in your home, but places like your bedroom or meditation space are ideal. Just ensure they’re not exposed to excessive moisture or sunlight.

How To Store Crystals: Conclusion

Crystals are terrific for boosting energy, warding off negativity and providing healing vibes.  Storing them properly will ensure they provide you with benefits for years to come.

I hope this article has helped you gain some ideas for the best way to store crystals!

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