Can Cats Eat Cabbage? Important Info Here!

Last updated on June 5th, 2024 at 02:13 pm

Welcome to my article! Today we’re going to address the common question: Can Cats Eat Cabbage?

We’ve all heard the expression; curiosity killed the cat. That’s why it’s so important to keep an eye on everything cats do, including what they eat.

One food item that you may wonder is safe for your cat to eat is cabbage.

To summarise, yes, cats can eat cabbage as long as it’s in moderation. It’s best to cook the cabbage before serving it. 

This article will review the cat-cabbage connection and the steps you should take if you plan to introduce cabbage into your cat’s diet. Let’s start by discussing the different types of cabbage available.

Different Types of Cabbage Available

types of cabbage

There are several types of cabbage out there but the four most common are:

Green Cabbage: Green cabbage resembles a head of lettuce. Its colors range from white to light green.

It has a rubbery texture and peppery flavor, but the texture softens, and the flavor sweetens when it’s cooked.

Because green cabbage is the most abundant of the cabbages and ripens comparatively quickly, it is the kind most people feed to their felines, and cats tend to love it.

Red or Purple Cabbage: Red or purple cabbage does not mature as quickly as the green variety.

It can be served cooked or raw. It is rich in anthocyanin which provides a variety of health benefits.

Savoy Cabbage: Savoy cabbage features a dark green color.

It is the most tender and sweetest of all cabbage varieties, but it is unclear whether cats enjoy the taste.

Napa Cabbage: Napa cabbage has a yellow-green color and frilly leaves.

It has a mildly sweet flavor and a soft texture. It can be served raw or cooked.

Health Benefits of Cabbage For Humans

Here are some of the health benefits cabbage provides us humans.

Anti-Inflammatory: Cabbage has anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial in reducing symptoms of arthritis and the risk of heart disease. It also relieves pain.

High in Antioxidants: Cabbage is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevents disease.

Improves Heart Health: Cabbage contains anthocyanins that reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke and regulates blood pressure.

It also contains potassium that relaxes the blood vessels to keep blood pressure under control.

Improves Digestion: Cabbage is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber that promotes regular bowel movements and is beneficial to gut bacteria. It also lowers cholesterol levels.

Contains Other Nutrients: Other nutrients in cabbage include K1 which aids blood clotting, B6 and folate which supports the nervous system and boosts energy levels and vitamin C, an antioxidant that improves skin health as well as muscle, bone, and blood vessel function.

Does Cabbage Offer Health Benefits to Cats?

While cabbage offers several health benefits to humans, cats are unable to process huge amounts of carbohydrates and fiber.

Therefore, cats do not benefit as much from cabbage as humans do. In fact, feeding them an excess of cabbage can do more harm than good.

It can cause digestive issues including diarrhea, gassiness, constipation, stomachache and loss of appetite.

It also contains thiocyanate which can suppress thyroid functioning causing cats to lose weight and experience fatigue and muscle weakness.

Cooking cabbage reduces thiocyanate so this may be the way to go if you plan on adding the vegetable to your cat’s diet.

It’s also worth mentioning that your cat will only get sick from the thiocyanate in cabbage if they eat excessive amounts.

So, if you rotate cabbage with other vegetables, you should be fine.

Another possible downside is that red cabbage contains polyhydroxyphenols which are plant derived anti-thiamines.

Thiamine is an essential part of your cat’s diet and giving them cabbage frequently could cause deficiencies.

Again, this will only happen if your cat eats an excessive amount of red cabbage – a little bit here and there is fine.

How to Feed Your Cat Cabbage

If you choose to include cabbage in your cat’s diet, you should feed it to them no more than twice a week.

You should also prepare it by:

  • Cooking the cabbage so it’s easy to eat. This will also lower thiocyanate levels.
  • Chopping the cabbage into small, digestible pieces
  • Sprinkling the cabbage on top of your cat’s food.

Can Cats Eat Cabbage: Conclusion

Cabbage is safe for your cat to eat, but it’s important to include it in their diet in moderation.

If you give them too much, it can cause unpleasant health issues. Also make sure you cook it before serving it to avoid digestive and thyroid issues.

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